Using Gobuster to Discover Directories

Using Gobuster to Discover Directories


Learn how to use Gobuster, a directory and file brute-forcing tool, to discover hidden directories, files, and resources on a web server. This lab demonstrates the process of running scans and analyzing results effectively.


Directory and file enumeration is an essential part of reconnaissance during penetration testing. Gobuster allows testers to identify hidden or unlinked resources that could expose sensitive information or vulnerabilities.

Tools Required

  • Kali Linux (or any system with Gobuster installed).
  • A target web application or server (ensure you have permission to test).

Lab Topology

  • Kali Linux: Running Gobuster for directory discovery.
  • Target Server: A test web server (e.g., a DVWA instance or an intentionally vulnerable web application).


Task 1: Installing Gobuster

  1. Verify Installation:
    • Gobuster comes pre-installed on Kali Linux. Verify by running:
      gobuster --help
    • If not installed, install it with:
      sudo apt update && sudo apt install gobuster -y
  2. Check Version:
    • Confirm Gobuster is installed and up-to-date:
      gobuster --version

Task 2: Setting Up the Target

  1. Identify the Target URL:
    • Choose a target web server (e.g., http://testsite.local).
  2. Prepare a Wordlist:
    • Use the built-in wordlists located in /usr/share/wordlists.
    • Example: /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt.
  3. Confirm Target Accessibility:
    • Ensure the target is reachable by running:
      ping <target_url>
    • Replace <target_url> with the target’s domain or IP address.

Task 3: Running a Basic Directory Scan

  1. Run Gobuster:
    • Use the following command to start a basic directory scan:
      gobuster dir -u <target_url> -w <wordlist>
      • Replace <target_url> with the target’s URL.
      • Replace <wordlist> with the path to your wordlist (e.g., /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt).


    gobuster dir -u http://testsite.local -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt
  2. Analyze Output:
    • Gobuster will display discovered directories and their response codes:
      /admin               (Status: 200)
      /uploads             (Status: 403)
      /backup              (Status: 301)
    • Status Codes:
      • 200: OK (accessible resource).
      • 301/302: Redirect (valid resource, redirects to another location).
      • 403: Forbidden (exists but access is restricted).

Task 4: Advanced Options

  1. Use a Custom Extension:
    • Search for specific file extensions (e.g., .php, .txt):
      gobuster dir -u <target_url> -w <wordlist> -x <extensions>


      gobuster dir -u http://testsite.local -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt -x php,txt
  2. Adjust the Number of Threads:
    • Increase threads for faster scanning:
      gobuster dir -u <target_url> -w <wordlist> -t <threads>


      gobuster dir -u http://testsite.local -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt -t 50
  3. Save Output to a File:
    • Save results for later analysis:
      gobuster dir -u <target_url> -w <wordlist> -o <output_file>


      gobuster dir -u http://testsite.local -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt -o results.txt
  4. Use HTTPS with Insecure Certificates:
    • If the target uses HTTPS with an invalid certificate:
      gobuster dir -u https://<target_url> -w <wordlist> -k

Task 5: Interpreting Results

  1. Locate Sensitive Directories:
    • Identify admin pages, backup directories, or other potentially sensitive resources.
  2. Test Discovered Paths:
    • Use a browser or tool like curl to verify and analyze the content of discovered directories.
  3. Correlate Findings:
    • Combine results with other reconnaissance tools (e.g., Nmap) to build a detailed picture of the target.

Best Practices

  1. Respect Authorization:
    • Only scan targets you own or have explicit permission to test.
  2. Use Appropriate Wordlists:
    • Tailor wordlists to the target’s context (e.g., web application type).
  3. Combine with Other Tools:
    • Use Gobuster alongside tools like Nmap or Nikto for comprehensive scanning.
  4. Log Findings:
    • Always save scan results for documentation and analysis.

Key Takeaways

  1. Gobuster is a fast and efficient tool for discovering hidden directories and files.
  2. Proper wordlist selection significantly impacts the success of directory enumeration.
  3. Always follow ethical guidelines when conducting scans.

Troubleshooting Tips

  1. No Results:
    • Ensure the target URL is correct and reachable.
    • Try different wordlists or extensions.
  2. Slow Scans:
    • Increase the number of threads with -t.
    • Use a smaller wordlist for quicker results.
  3. Certificate Errors:
    • Use the -k option to bypass HTTPS certificate validation.

By completing this lab, you now understand how to use Gobuster for directory discovery and how to interpret and act on the results effectively.

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