How to Crack Passwords with Hashcat

How to Crack Passwords with Hashcat


Learn how to use Hashcat, a powerful password recovery tool, to crack password hashes in a controlled environment. This lab demonstrates how to identify hash types, perform dictionary and brute-force attacks, and interpret results.


  1. Hashcat Installed:
    • Install Hashcat on your system:
  2. Hash File:
    • A file containing password hashes to test.
    • Example hash:
  3. Wordlist File (for dictionary attacks):
    • Download a wordlist like rockyou.txt from SecLists.
  4. GPU Support (Optional):
    • Hashcat can utilize GPUs for faster cracking. Ensure proper GPU drivers are installed.
  5. Testing Environment:
    • Ensure you have explicit permission to test any hashes.

Step 1: Identifying the Hash Type

  1. Use Hashcat’s Built-in Documentation:
    hashcat --help
  2. Identify the Hash Type:
    • Use tools like hash-identifier:
      sudo apt install hash-identifier
    • Enter your hash to determine its type.
  3. Example Hash Types:
    • MD5: $1$...
    • SHA-256: $5$...
    • bcrypt: $2b$...

Step 2: Performing a Dictionary Attack

  1. Use the following command:
    hashcat -m <hash_type> -a 0 <hash_file> <wordlist_file>
    • Replace <hash_type> with the hash mode (e.g., 0 for MD5, 100 for SHA1).
    • Replace <hash_file> with the file containing the hashes.
    • Replace <wordlist_file> with your wordlist.
  2. Example:
    hashcat -m 0 -a 0 hashes.txt /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
  3. Monitor Progress:
    • Hashcat will display the cracking progress and results in real-time.
  4. View Cracked Passwords:
    cat hashcat.potfile

Step 3: Performing a Brute-Force Attack

  1. Use the following command:
    hashcat -m <hash_type> -a 3 <hash_file> <mask>
    • Replace <mask> with a pattern (e.g., ?a?a?a?a for any 4-character password).
  2. Example:
    hashcat -m 0 -a 3 hashes.txt ?d?d?d?d
    • ?d: Digit (0–9).
    • ?l: Lowercase letter.
    • ?u: Uppercase letter.
    • ?a: Any character.
  3. Increase Password Length:
    • Use the --increment flag to try progressively longer passwords:
      hashcat -m 0 -a 3 --increment hashes.txt ?d?d?d

Step 4: Cracking Salts and Complex Hashes

  1. Some hashes include salts (additional random data).
  2. Add the salt to the hash file if needed:
  3. Use the appropriate hash type and wordlist for cracking.

Step 5: Using Rules for Smarter Cracking

  1. Apply a rule file for transformations:
    hashcat -m <hash_type> -a 0 -r <rule_file> <hash_file> <wordlist_file>
    • Replace <rule_file> with a rules file (e.g., rules/best64.rule).
  2. Example:
    hashcat -m 0 -a 0 -r rules/best64.rule hashes.txt /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
  3. Hashcat will modify entries in the wordlist based on the rules (e.g., adding numbers, reversing).

Step 6: Interpreting Results

  1. Cracked passwords are stored in the hashcat.potfile.
  2. View the results:
    cat hashcat.potfile
  3. Example Output:
    • The cracked password follows the hash.

Step 7: Ethical Considerations

  1. Permission Required:
    • Only test hashes you own or have explicit authorization to test.
  2. Secure the Hash File:
    • Store hashes and cracked passwords securely to prevent misuse.
  3. Minimize Brute-Force Attacks:
    • Focus on dictionary and rule-based attacks to save resources and time.

Additional Tips and Insights

  1. Optimize Performance:
    • Use --force to bypass warnings but only in safe environments.
    • Ensure GPU drivers are updated for better performance.
  2. Combine with Other Tools:
    • Use john or hashid for hash identification and cracking alongside Hashcat.
  3. Automate Testing:
    • Create scripts to automate hash cracking tasks.
  4. Test Custom Wordlists:
    • Generate wordlists with tools like crunch or CeWL tailored to the target.

Key Takeaways

  1. Hashcat is a powerful tool for cracking password hashes in a controlled, ethical environment.
  2. Understanding hash types and selecting the appropriate attack method is critical for success.
  3. Always follow ethical guidelines and ensure permission for any testing activity.

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